Predictive Attention Pioneers
January 26, 2021 14:19
We pioneered predicitive visual attention analysis using computer vision.
Members of our team pioneered computer vision based predictive visual attention analysis - > our fist prototype was working by the time Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone back in 2007.
In 2008 we launched as a side project (a world first online predictive attention service).
Early adopters included New Balance, Adidas, Timberland, Esprit, sOliver, Hugo Boss, BAT, Kraft, oOh! Media, and Ogilvy.
We made a hard call even though we were a first mover and cashflow positive to put Shopperlab on hold in 2011, as it was effectively ahead of it’s time.
Our early work is still available on YouTube under Shopperlabs GO ON take a look you will be impressed!
Well we are back! With new branding supporting many more verticals and applications.
We have entirely rebuilt our stack using state of the art AI/ML (an area in which our team remain leading experts). So without further ado we proudly introduce….
Fixate AI
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